David Wright’s Carol Day (2734)

Posted on March 8, 2011


This is an UNIQUE ORIGINAL CAROL DAY strip, with Penned & Inked ART by the brilliant but under-rated great master of illustration DAVID WRIGHT.

The strip Carol Day ran for over 10 years from 1956 to 1967, in the London newspaper The Daily Mail and garnered a fanatical following, appearing in 22 countries. The ‘Carol Day’ strip was about a cool and elegant fashion model.

David Wright’s drawing had the relaxed, intuitive grasp of body language of a Raymond or Drake, but he used his brush and pen in the painterly style of much earlier illustrators such as Charles Dana Gibson and James Montgomery Flagg. Wright barely pencilled his strips, merely drawing enough so that he could see where the figures and setting should go. Once that was established, he swept in with great swathes of black brush strokes, delineating features, forms and shadows. Finally he would add layer upon layer of dense pen strokes, oppressively dark cross-hatching for the backgrounds and delicate, sketchy explorative lines for faces, folds and foliage. He avoided outlines if he possibly could, preferring to play tones and surfaces off each other in an energetic collision of shadow, texture and light (Courtesy: ComicStripFan.Com).

The Images can be enlarged to observe the magnificent & detailed Artwork.

The grey pattern background panel 2 is Zip-A-Tone, a screentone that saves an artist’s time by allowing quick application of textures toline art where a hand-shaded area would not be reproduced in a timely or acceptable manner. Zip-A-Tone is now defunct.

The strip is from 1960 & is numbered 2734.

The strip size (image): 17 x 5 inches (43cm x 12cm) .

The strip with border: 19 x 7 inches (49cm x 19cm).

The last image is just an example when board is mounted and framed.

Clean board.

Posted in: Original, Strip